How To Increase Shopify Conversion Rate

It is not enough that your Shopify store receives waves of traffic monthly. If you can’t convert traffic to sales, your business might not survive. After all, you are in business to make money. In essence, your traffic is worthless if it is not converting your prospects to consumers. Even if that is your case, you can still make amends. You can increase your Shopify conversion rate with the actionable steps in this article.

But before we delve into the details, let’s first discuss the factors that affect traffic conversion.

jlouis increase your shopify conversion rate

3 Key Factors That Affects Traffic Conversion


It doesn’t matter if you offer buyers a 50% discount on your products. If they don’t trust you, they still won’t buy from you. Until you’ve highlighted your authenticity, prospects might not be comfortable investing their hard-earned money on your store.

That said, how can you earn your prospects’ trust?

  • Add social proof (especially customer reviews) to your Shopify store.
  • More importantly, add ratings to your products.

In addition to social proof and product ratings, the information on your Shopify store also contributes to your trustworthiness. Your product description should not only be detailed. It should also be accessible. About that, you might want to answer these questions?

  1. How easy can buyers locate their desired products from your landing page?
  2. What happens if buyers can’t find a product they want?
  3. Will your 404 page recommend alternative products to what buyers can’t find in your store?
  4. Are your product categories intuitive enough?
  5. Are you only showing the best sides of your products or the entire picture from every angle?

Once you can provide answers to those questions, you will automatically establish your Shopify store as authentic – a place buyers can trust. However, note that trust is not everything. Is your store easy to navigate?


Regardless of how authentic your products might seem to a buyer, if your store’s navigation is confusing, such a buyer would leave without buying from you. To stop such scenarios from happening, reduce all forms of friction on your store – the following tips can help:

  • Reduce the amount of information needed at checkout to only the basic ones.
  • Limit your form fields; use visual cues instead.
  • Your Shopify store design should be intuitive.
  • Lastly and most importantly, optimize your page loading speed.

Also read:
A Beginner’s Checklist To Improving Website Speed

Overall, prioritize functionality and usability over complex and robust Shopify store design. Already, eCommerce sites have one sole purpose – to sell products. So, ensure you optimize your store for that. When you do, your buyers will find purchasing your products convenient even after trusting you.


After trust and simplicity, motivation is the last stage of your conversion rate – and perhaps the most crucial factor. This part is what converts your traffic to revenue.

That said, how can you motivate your prospects to buy from you?

  • Distinguish your products from your competitors – have a unique selling point and let it reflect all over your store.
  • Everything in your store (especially product description and design) should be customer-centric. For example, instead of just listing product features, explain how the product solves real-life problems.
  • Invest in Shopify retargeting ads as a way to personalize your store’s user experience.
  • Create a sense of urgency to encourage buyers to buy now rather than later. In this case, limited coupon codes can be the perfect strategy.

Suggested reading:
5 Website Mistakes That Are Costing You Conversions

Now, we’ve handled the factors that might hinder how to increase your Shopify conversion rate. Let’s discuss the actionable steps to increase it!

5 Ways You Can Increase Your Shopify Conversion Rate

First-time Offers 

One of the easiest ways to onboard your prospects is to entice them with first-time deals. It is an instant motivation tool that can seduce even the most indecisive buyer.

However, we’d advise you to identify the offer that might be irresistible to your audience. Else, it might come off as another of the tricks flying around on eCommerce. Worse, it might dent the trust you’ve already built with your social proof.

Another thing you should note is the way you introduce your first-time offers. Don’t bombard prospects with pop-up notifications every step of the way. Instead, prioritize your pop-ups to when your buyers:

  • click on a product;
  • is about to purchase a product; or 
  • is about to leave your store without buying.

Regular Discounts

In addition to your first-time offers, you can still offer regular discounts to motivate your buyers to buy from you. Note that these discounts are not for first-timers. Also, don’t offer what would cripple your revenue or what you can’t sustain.

And mind you, the said discounts don’t have to be every time. You can prioritize holidays when buyers are generally likely to buy. Also, we will advise you to target the discounts to a segment of your customers. About that, you can start with your best customers!

Retargeting Ads

If regular discounts are for your best customers, how about those who have stopped buying from you – the runaways? You can use retargeting ads!

The best part about retargeting ads is that you can use them to entice even prospects who only visited your store and left. Plus, there are several ways you can do it. You can retarget your buyers via social media, email, and on-site.

Whichever one of the retargeting methods you use, be strategic about it. You don’t want to bug your prospects into spamming you. More so, the purpose of these ads is to remind your buyers of you. So, you don’t come off as spammy.

cart recovery email

Reduce Cart Abandonment

Outside your runaway customers, there are still some who add your products to the cart and leave without buying. Now, that might seem like conversion, but it is not since you’re not getting the money.

So, to reduce cases like that, ensure that your Shopify order process is convenient. Most importantly, send reminders (cart recovery email) to buyers who abandon their carts.

Free Shipping

The last way you can differentiate your store from your competitor is through free shipping. If you can’t offer such a deal on all your products, do so on select items and add a stamp to entice your customers to such offers.


Overall, ensure that whatever step you take to increase your Shopify conversion rate is one that simplifies your offer, builds trust, and motivates your prospects. Once you can follow such a principle, you’d convert your traffic to sales in no time.

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