Google has some upcoming changes comes to its search algorithm. They announced that as of April 21st, they mobile friendliness will have more of an impact on search ranking. Mobile usability has always been a factor in search rankings but no one really knew how much it mattered. But now Google is making the changes that it’s known for and saying that mobile optimization will have a “significant impact” on ranking.
All this means is that Google is focusing on what everyone else is focusing on, mobile, and that is intends to reward those sites who already in the mobile frame of mind. This has left many website owners scrambling to make the changes they need to ensure their site will show up in Google search results.
Here’s what you need to know about Google’s change: if your site is mobile optimized, then you will be fine. Google has said that there is no scale of optimization. If you want to be sure that you are optimized, run your site through Google’s mobile optimization tool to ensure that you are.
The other way to check to see if your website is mobile optimized is to Google yourself. If your site appears with a gray “Mobile Friendly” label next toit in the rankings, then you can rest assured, that you don’t need to make any further changes.
If by some chance, your site is not mobile optimized, you have some work to do as April 21st is the deadline for the update. Refresh yourself on mobile sites by rereading this post or contact us to find out how we can help you get your website ready for the “Mobilegeddon.”