2016 Digital and Marketing Technology Trends

digital trends 2016


2015 is winding down and every business should be looking toward 2016 to see how they can begin to plan for the upcoming year. Here is a look at the top digital and marketing technology trends and what you can do in your business to stay on top of the trends!


Almost everyone is on a smartphone these days and 2015 was a big year for mobile. Google released the “Mobilegeddon” update and more people are on smartphones than ever before. Once again, this year, the numbers of people browsing on mobile surpassed desktop users and that trend will only grow.

What you can do: Make sure your website is mobile and responsive. Begin to look into mobile targeted ad campaigns on social media and on Google.

Video Ads

While video and videos ads are not a new area by any means but with new apps like SnapChat and Periscope and now that Google is getting on board with more video ads in search results, video will only become more powerful. Uses are becoming more accepting of videos online and video apps will probably start popping up in other places.

What you can do: Research video options for your business, even if it’s small behind the scenes videos. Dedicate a space on your website for videos and make sure your website load time is fast for those videos

Wearable Technology

Wearable technology (such as the Apple watch) is growing at a faster rate and more data will be available for users day-to-day habits. This will help marketers be able to target their audiences more often. 

What you can do: Begin watching the availability for wearable technology and how you can use location based targeting and more data to improve your marketing so you are able to engage more with your customers.

We’re moving more and more into a digital technology world and as that occurs, it will change and shape our businesses and our technology efforts. What digital and marketing technology trend are you most interested in watching this coming year?

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